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Our classroom model & cURRICULUM


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Persistence Prep fundamentally believes that every classroom must be led by an engaging, highly skilled, strategically supported, and effective teacher. To guarantee a strong teacher in every classroom, Persistence Prep will focus extensive time and resources on the recruitment, development, and retention of strong teachers. Our school design features 27 days of practice-based professional development, weekly observations and feedback meetings, weekly whole staff professional development, and dedicated data analysis days throughout the year.




To ensure our scholars can reach ambitious goals and be firmly on the path to the four-year college of their choice, we believe that college preparation must begin on the first day of Kindergarten.  This preparation is grounded in our extended day schedule, providing scholars with 90 more minutes of instructional time per day than the BPS district. Our school calendar is also longer by five (5) days. This extended time is prioritized as instructional time, with scholars receiving 215 minutes of Literacy and 90 minutes of Math instruction daily.  College is a consistent part of the language used at Persistence Prep, with classrooms named after universities, daily college cheers, annual college tours, etc. We firmly believe in the power of exposing our scholars to the world of opportunities available to them.




Persistence Prep firmly believes that school culture is the foundation upon which all else rests. Scholars thrive in structure and can flourish within a consistent environment in which they know what to expect and what is expected of them. Structured routines and procedures within every classroom work to promote efficiency and ensure scholars' physical, emotional, and intellectual safety. Persistence Prep believes that character and leadership can be developed and that the school is responsible for playing a key role in this development. Our core values of Community, Enthusiasm, Respect, Grit, and Justice will be explicitly taught and reinforced throughout the year through our Character and Movement block in our Lower Academy, and through daily Advisory in our Middle and Upper Academies.  Scholars will also consistently be celebrated for their leadership and growth through weekly community celebrations.





To best educate our scholars, it is imperative that teachers have a constant pulse on what scholars have, and have not yet, mastered.  Data will be gathered and leveraged to intimately know the strengths and areas for growth for each scholar, and provide them with targeted interventions, supports, and extensions to ensure continued academic achievement and growth.  All K-2 classrooms will feature a two-teacher model that will allow for increased small group instruction and daily literacy rotations Additionally, our annual calendar features dedicated data days during which our teachers will closely analyze scholar data, allowing them to further target their instruction and meet scholars where they are.  





Persistence Prep acknowledges and welcomes families as key partners in ensuring the academic and character growth of every scholar. This vital relationship will proactively begin to be built before a scholar starts school, through Home Visits made by members of the school Leadership Team, and will continue to be cultivated throughout the year through frequent communication and a variety of events including family orientations, weekly communication, monthly family events, and family achievement conferences. We view familial involvement as an imperative piece of our school and will develop and maintain strong relationships with our families.



378 Urban Street Buffalo NY 14211


Phone: 716-235-1520


Fax: 716-892-0310






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